The Founder, Shri.Tanajirao Patil has grown up the tree like Shriram Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sansta in Atpadi, despite the crisis of rare rains and draught, with the aim of giving availability and facility of education to all the classes of people in the society. It has been establilshed in 1 th july,1989.
Since its establilshment, Shriram Bahuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sanstha has started Arts and Science college in june 2001. After some periods, acquainting the needs of students and time, they have opened different types of colleges in Atpadi such as Tanajirao Patil B.Ed. and M.Ed College, Shriram Junior College, Shivaji Polytechnical College and Universal English Medium School Atpadi.
There are 2500 Students, studing in this instituation. They have come from different regions, with the needs of these students the college has offered canteen and hostel facilities. The college has a big playground that enhance allround development of the students.
Through the academic schedule our major emphasis is to enhance analytical ability, work ethics, cometitivness in respective discipline, awareness of individual role in complicated social, political and religious infrastructure of society, above all ready to meet future challenges of present day educational composition. The Main Purpose I towards quality, education, academic reputation, high standred of discipline and to uplift the college as reverend institution